ScopedPointers can delete the pointer value twice

ScopedPointers can delete the pointer value twice. Here is a fairly contrived example that reproduces the problem as simply as possible.

struct Thingy
    int cnt = 0;

ScopedPointer<Thingy> thingy;

    if (cnt == 2)
        printf ("Deconstructors should only be called once!\n");

int main (int argc, char* argv[])
    thingy.reset (new Thingy());
    return 0;

The issue is that while void reset (ObjectType* newObject) moves the pointer to a temp variable and then deletes it, to guard against reentrant calls to reset, void reset() does not have this guard in place. I think it should be written like this:

    void reset()
        auto* oldObject = object;
        object = {};
        ContainerDeletePolicy<ObjectType>::destroy (oldObject);

Ok, my example is a terrible / bizarre thing to do, but you can get into this situation pretty easily if your deconstructors call listeners. If this really is a bad thing to do then it should give an assert and not crash.

Example project here:


Oh - good catch! I’ll sort that out.

(Best to migrate everything to std::unique_ptr though!)

Thank you for pinpointing this issue - I’ve had occasional crashes due to this but couldn’t figure out what exactly went wrong.

Is this problem the result of that ScopedPointer not being owned by any particular object or being given the scope of some function or other object, and just being a free global?

    if (cnt == 2)
        printf ("Deconstructors should only be called once!\n");

the Thingy destructor is resetting a global variable via thingy.reset().