Sharing my open source drum plugin: Pro Punk Drums

Hey JUCE Forum,

I am grateful to all the wonderful people posting questions and answer here, it has been a delight learning about this framework. I’ve read lots about code signing, guitar distortion, cross platform, synthesisers, reverbs, and it’s all been very engaging and good fun.

I first tried my hand at creating a MIDI drum instrument nearly 2 years ago, and while it isn’t very good, it somehow really inspired me. After some research (mostly here) and trial and error, I’ve improved upon that initial outing considerably, and I’m pleased to offer it open source and for free download for anyone interested.

Download links:

GitHub repo: GitHub - pauljonescodes/pro-punk-drums

I’ve validated the Windows VST and macOS VST, AAX, and AU plugins, but I don’t have a Windows certificate to be able to sign and wrap the AAX, so that’ll have to wait. I was once a full-time iOS developer, so I happen to have an Apple Developer account to get the certificate for on Apple platforms.

The approach I took to developing the plugin makes it pretty easy to put in your own samples and have them routed and processed in the same way. Though I’m not supporting that use case with documentation yet, I’m thinking I’ll fork and clean up the repo for others to be able to more easily use it for their own creations.

This is a completely solo project, so there’s likely some glaring errors or maybe it’s even (gasp) poorly mixed, so any feedback is welcome. I hope you don’t mind sharing creations here, I’m pretty sure I’ve seen it done before. I think this is such a cool tool, so I’m looking forward to reading the jobs posts next and maybe get more involved if I can.

Happy to be here,

Paul Jones


Nice work, sounds fun, I’ve downloaded it for a bit of a jam over the weekend … thanks for sharing!

BTW, you’re not this Paul Jones, are you? :slight_smile:

That’s awesome, good luck! Feel free to share any feedback too :slight_smile:

On whether I’m secretly famous, I have no comment other than my first name might really be John :wink:

As an addendum, I wrote a blog post detailing the process and some of the implementation.

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I’m pretty sure you can use a self-generated certificate to sign and wrap AAX on Windows, you don’t actually need an issued code signing certificate to do that step. You could also use your Apple Developer certificate to sign AAX on Windows – it has no special authority on Windows, of course, but it should work on the same level as using a self-generated cert.

Without breaching the many confidentially agreements and non-disclosures, I’m pleased to report I’ve added a Windows AAX available to download thanks to you @refusesoftware!

For those visiting here in posterity, for what it’s worth I was not able to successfully sign my AAX with a self-issued certificate (the tool reported that my .pfx doesn't contain a valid signing certificate), but using Mac Developer ID certificate worked just fine.

Thank you!

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