Show PopupMenu animated?

We’re adding some final polish to a plug-in and are trying to find a way to show PopupMenus animated.

Is there anyway to get a handle on a PopupMenu’s MenuWindow component? The only place where I can see it is possible is in the Lnf method “preparePopupMenuWindow”

Any help in figuring out how to show PopupMenus animated without it turning into a hack-a-thon would be much appreciated!

Something like this? (warning: untested)

 The block below describes the properties of this PIP. A PIP is a short snippet
 of code that can be read by the Projucer and used to generate a JUCE project.


  name:             AnimatedPopupMenu

  dependencies:     juce_core, juce_data_structures, juce_events, juce_graphics, juce_gui_basics
  exporters:        xcode_mac


  type:             Component
  mainClass:        MyComponent



#pragma once

class MyComponent   : public Component
        addAndMakeVisible (showPopupButton);
        showPopupButton.onClick = [this]
            PopupMenu m;
            for (int i = 1; i <= 10; ++i)
                m.addItem (i, "Item " + String (i));
            m.setLookAndFeel (&lf);
            m.showMenu (PopupMenu::Options().withParentComponent (this));
        setSize (600, 400);


    void paint (Graphics& g) override
        g.fillAll (getLookAndFeel().findColour (ResizableWindow::backgroundColourId));

    void resized() override
        showPopupButton.centreWithSize (250, 35);

    TextButton showPopupButton { "Show popup" };
    struct PopupLF : public LookAndFeel_V4
        void preparePopupMenuWindow (Component& menu)
            Desktop::getInstance().getAnimator().fadeIn (&menu, 1000);
    PopupLF lf;


1 Like

Works great Ed!

On Big Sur, the menu appears without a shadow. Is there some correct way to keep the shadow when animating?