Somesthing missing in audioprocessor

Hi Jules,

on my request you’ve added the loop flags to the CurrentPositionInfo class and while
reading the code I found these flags are missing here…

bool AudioPlayHead::CurrentPositionInfo::operator== (const CurrentPositionInfo& other) const noexcept
    return timeInSamples == other.timeInSamples
        && ppqPosition == other.ppqPosition
        && editOriginTime == other.editOriginTime
        && ppqPositionOfLastBarStart == other.ppqPositionOfLastBarStart
        && frameRate == other.frameRate
        && isPlaying == other.isPlaying
        && isRecording == other.isRecording
        && bpm == other.bpm
        && timeSigNumerator == other.timeSigNumerator
        && timeSigDenominator == other.timeSigDenominator;
