Sorting Arrays of Objects

Hi there,

I have a class like this:
class Thing {
int value1;
int value2;

and I have an array of things:

Array<Thing> things;

How can I sort this array by value1?

Many thanks!

It‘s described in the docs:

You need to create your own comparison method, which is quite simple in this case.

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It would be a nice challenge to create a generic ElementComparator that takes a lambda nowadays… (or add it directly to the Array class)

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In this exemple a sort xml data can be helpful.

Array works with std::sort/std::stable_sort and lambdas :

std::sort(arr.begin(), arr.end(), 
  [](const auto& lhs, const auto& rhs) { return lhs.value1 < rhs.value1; });

Thanks for the replies. I did look at the documentation, but it doesn’t provide any examples. I have tried this:

class MyComparator
    static int compareElements (Thing* first, Thing* second)
        if (first->value1 < second->value1)
            return -1;
        else if (first->value1 > second->value1)
            return 1;
            return 0; //items are equal

and tried using it like this:

Array<Thing> things;
MyComparator sorter;

Which gives me this error:

Error:(13) no matching function for call to object of type ‘juce::SortFunctionConverter’

What am I doing wrong?

Your Array has Thing as ParameterType, so the compareElements will have to look like:

static int compareElements (Thing first, Thing second)
        if (first.value1 < second.value1)
            return -1;
        else if (first.value1 > second.value1)
            return 1;
            return 0; //items are equal

But the call has implications, calling with an argument Thing will create a copy of first and second on the method’s argument stack.

Passing Thing by const-ref should also match and won’t incur any copy

    static int compareElements (const Thing& first, const Thing& second)
        if (first.value1 < second.value1)
            return -1;
        if (first.value1 > second.value1)
            return 1;
        return 0;

I was wondering, if it does. Also with the const?

Especially with the const!

In the following example, A, B, and C are viable candidates, and the compiler will fail complaining that it is ambiguous:

void f(int) {} // A
void f(int&) {} // B
void f(const int&) {} // C
void f(int&&) {} // D
void g() { int i = 23; f(i); }

In the following example, A, C and D are viable candidates, and the compiler will fail complaining that it is ambiguous:

void f(int) {} // A
void f(int&) {} // B
void f(const int&) {} // C
void f(int&&) {} // D
void g() { f(42); }
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    static int compareElements (Thing* first, Thing* second)
        if (first->value1 < second->value1)
            return -1;
        else if (first->value1 > second->value1)
            return 1;
            return 0; //items are equal

Coding style question…

Why else ??



The else just feels cleaner to me. Does it have a cost do you think?

For reference, McMartin had the solution. So to soft an array:

class Thing {
  int value1;

class MyComparator {
    static int compareElements (const Thing& first, const Thing& second)
        if (first.value1 < second.value1)
            return -1;
        if (first.value1 > second.value1)
            return 1;
        return 0;

and to actually sort it:

Array<Thing> things; 
MyComparator sorter; 

Thank you everybody.

It adds unnecessary words to read and potentially additional indentation. I doubt it will add processing cost.

See the explanations on llvm Coding Standards or Jules’ advice on JUCE - Coding Standards (scroll to Miscellaneous).

I’m new to C++, and I’ll never be at the level of some of you guys, but I can’t say I agree with that particular coding standard. It means that you have to read every line in order to understand what is happening.

This pattern has 3 possible outcomes, it’s very clear what’s going to happen:

if (sometest)
    do something
else if (sometest)
    do something
    do something

This pattern could do a number of things depending on what the the 'do something’s are:

if (sometest)
    do something
if (sometest)
    do something

do something

If the ‘do something’ are all returns, it is functionally the same as the first pattern:

if (sometest)
if (sometest)


But if they are something else, the flow is completely different:

if (sometest)
    value + 2
if (sometest)
    value + 2

value + 2

In other words, you have to read every line in order to understand the flow, you can’t just glance at it. I don’t see how that’s an improvement… what am I missing?


If control flow is broken, then the else is irrelevant… and actually makes the code harder to read.


…and that’s the reason, why you should leave an empty line after a return, so that you really see at first glance: “This function is done here!”

Burying returns in the middle of full lines is indeed hiding the return.

When skimming over a function, a return should definitely catch my eye, which makes the else superfluous and I can focus on the next condition.

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More importantly for me, is the need for break-point lines.

Sadly this is no longer working, something was changed inside JUCE and the whole thing is a mess now. :frowning:

class WLoopPart
	WLoopPart() : position(0.0f), value(1.0f) { };
	float position, value;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class WLoopPartElementComparator
	static int compareElements(const WLoopPart& first, const WLoopPart& second)
		return (first.position < second.position) ? -1 : ((second.position < first.position) ? 1 : 0);

containers\juce_elementcomparator.h(40): note: Reason: cannot convert from ‘Type’ to ‘const WLoopPart’