Suggest Network related classes for IP based Client-Server

Hello Jucers …

I need some suggestions for the work I am doing…

I need to create a simple IPaddress based Server (it can be started or stopped).
Few number of IPaddress based clients are able to connect Running Server.
Clients when connected to server
are intended to do some command sending or message sending(messages are kind of command to server)
are able to stream audio files to server.
{Currently I am using and - Are they enough to go with ?}
Not much Security features are required in this client-server. Can anyone please suggest me, which classes are available in JUCE that can help me exactly what i am trying to do ? That would be great help.

Thanks to Jucers…

InterprocessConnectionServer gives you a simple wrapper around sockets that lets you send messages in either direction. If you need more control then you could just use the Socket class directly.

Thanx Jules…

That is right… InterprocessConnectionServer /InterprocessConnectionClient are really good and enough for me right now.
What about if I want to send whole audio file over network (like streaming). are these classes fine for that too ?

[quote=“acn”]Thanx Jules…

That is right… InterprocessConnectionServer /InterprocessConnectionClient are really good and enough for me right now.
What about if I want to send whole audio file over network (like streaming). are these classes fine for that too ?[/quote]

InterprocessConnection just sends messages, it doesn’t really “stream”. I guess you could break a file up into packets and send them as messages that you reassemble at the other end.

Hamm… Thanks Jules…
That is always possible … fragmenting a file and sending as msg. That might work well.