TooltipWindow border

Hi guys,

I’m trying to add Tooltips to my app, however I’ve some issues. Specifically I cannot remove the faded borer around the tooltip window

This is the code of the LookAndFeel of my app is:

void MyoMapperLookAndFeel::drawTooltip (Graphics& g, const String& text, int width, int height)
    Rectangle<int> bounds (width, height);
    const auto cornerSize = 1.0f;
    g.setColour (findColour (TooltipWindow::backgroundColourId));
    g.fillRoundedRectangle (bounds.toFloat(), cornerSize);
    g.setColour (findColour (TooltipWindow::outlineColourId));
    g.drawRoundedRectangle (bounds.toFloat().reduced (0.5f, 0.5f), cornerSize, 1.0f);
    g.setColour (findColour (TooltipWindow::textColourId));
    g.drawFittedText(text, 0, 0, width, height, Justification::centred, 1);

Colours are then set in a setup color function which contains:

setColour (TooltipWindow::backgroundColourId, Colour::fromRGB (201, 210, 223));
setColour (TooltipWindow::outlineColourId, Colour::fromRGB (35, 35, 35));
setColour (TooltipWindow::textColourId, Colour::fromRGB (35, 35, 35));

How can I remove the faded border in highlighted in the screenshot just below?


If this is something people are doing often and struggling to see what’s causing it, maybe we need an assertion in TooltipWindow to catch the situation when > 1 are visible at once…

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@jules fixed it. I got how that works. :wink: