Typo in Tutorial: Build an OpenGL Application

There is a typo in the “Build an OpenGL Application” tutorial about halfway down the page in the following line:

In the enable() function, all the attributes are activated before chacking if they exist by calling the glVertexAttribPointer() and glEnableVertexAttribArray() functions as shown below:

I believe the line above should be changed to the following:

In the enable() function, all the attributes are activated, after checking if they exist, by calling the glVertexAttribPointer() and glEnableVertexAttribArray() functions as shown below:

To clarify, the main problems are that “checking” is misspelled “chacking” and “before” should be corrected to “after.” However, I also believe the sentence is made more clear by surrounding the clause “after checking if they exist” in commas as in “activated, after checking if they exist, by.”

–activated before chacking if they exist by
++activated, after checking if they exist, by

Note: The bold styling is only added for clarification and should not be included in the fix. Cheers.

Thanks, we’ll get that updated.