Typos in tutorial

Hi all,

There are some typos or errors in the tutorials:

In Tutorial: Customise the look and feel of your app:

  • In the Custom look-and-feel section, the sentence “If you inherit directly form the class itself…” should be “If you inherit directly from the class itself…”
  • In the Button customisation section, the sentence “Unfortunately, the text stays static, so we need to override the Button::LookAndFeelMethods::drawButtonBackground()…” should be "Unfortunately, the text stays static, so we need to override the Button::LookAndFeelMethods::drawButtonText()

In Tutorial: Colours in JUCE, it seems that the wording “Colours class” should be “Colours namespace”.

In Tutorial: Advanced GUI layout techniques, in Reordering items section, the text says “For example, we could move the orange content at the top simply by listing it first in the resized() function”, but the corresponding sample code does not list the orange content first.

In Tutorial: Responsive GUI layouts using FlexBox and Grid:

  • In the paragraph “Lastly, we can deal with the main panel sliders by making them responsive to orientation changes…,” the code uses the MainPanel’s width and height to determine whether the application is in portrait mode, but in my opinion, it seems that we should instead use the size of the whole window to determine the portrait mode; otherwise this “wide” window is still in portrait mode:
  • The code samples in this tutorial first convert the local bound using toFloat() and then pass the bound to FlexBox::performLayout, but it seems redundant because there is an int rectangle overload of FlexBox::performLayout and the overload internally converts the int rectangle to float rectangle.

In Tutorial: The Slider class, in Skewing the slider values section, the sentence “By default, the slider track is linear in the sense that the slider’s value is proportion to…” should be “By default, the slider track is linear in the sense that the slider’s value is proportional to…”.

In the tutorial list page, the link for The BigInteger class points to the wrong tutorial.

Thanks for reporting. Those changes will be added next time the tutorials are published, which will most likely coincide with the next release.