Unmatched quotes in XML, 8192 limit?

Trying to parse an XML where i have an audiosamplebuffer stored as XML. It’s been bizarrely failling and when I call “get last lerror” it says “unmatched quotes”. The quotes are clearly matched. A bit more digging and I see there’s a limit to how much it will read, 8192? Is it because it’s creating objects on the stack? Is this the issue?

Here’s an example with some data in the middle taken out. Seems to be the channel data causing the issue.

How can I solve this? Would appreciate the help!

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<SyncData SyncEvent="5" AuthorName="Enter your name" AuthorGUID="b7b7cb3a-117b-45cc-b270-1dd3c5ad77b9">
   <Data ID="12800" Name="Empty Sample" BPM="0.0" SampleSize="5632">
      <AudioSampleBuffer channel0="22528....." channel1="22528.." />

Edit heres the writing part if this helps (its in a loop to get all channels)

			String strXmlSampleData;
			MemoryBlock oMemory(m_oAudioBuffer.getReadPointer(i), m_oAudioBuffer.getNumSamples() * sizeof(float));
			strXmlSampleData = oMemory.toBase64Encoding();
			poXmlAudioSampleBuffer->setAttribute(strAttributeName, strXmlSampleData);

DOUBLE EDIT heres the exact part in XmlDocument::readQuotedStrings deep in the methods that sets “out of data” to true and throws the error

                if (character == 0)
                    setLastError ("unmatched quotes", false);
                    outOfData = true;