Wanted: TextEditor::scrollCaretTo(int x, int y)

I need to be able to scroll a TextEditor so that the caret gets vertically centered.

The TextEditor has the methods necessary to accomplish this, but they are private.

I need it for navigating search result lists etc, so that when I walk up and down a ListBox, I immediately get to see the occurrence in the source, placed so I can see its surroundings. But I think the ability to adjust the scrolling would be useful to any app that does text searching.

(To illustrate it, you might want to open juce_amalgamated.h with Visual Studio and search for a common word such as const, and take note of how the scrolling behaves. I’m not saying this behaviour should be cloned by TextEditor but I think the primitives needed to implement something similar should be protected or public, not private.)

Perhaps TextEditor::scrollCaretTo could be defined to accept float parameters, with the same meaning as in the StretchableLayoutManager, so thatscrollCaretTo(-1, -0.5);would scroll as far to the left as possible while centering vertically.

Jules, if you suggest an interface, I could write and test and you could jucify or rewrite if you think it’s worth it.

Ok - maybe a good method would take two proportional positions that are the preferred position of the caret?

Here is a shot - introducing 4 methods.

In the public section of class TextEditor:

[code] /** Attempts to scroll the caret to a given position, in pixels relative to the top
left corner of the visible area.

    The position will be adjusted to ensure the caret is visible.
void scrollCaretToPosition (const int x, const int y) throw();

/** Attempts to scroll the caret to a given position.
    The position is given as a fraction of the visible area.

    Both x and y should be between 0.0 and 1.0, inclusive.

    The default values will center the caret vertically, which is useful
    for text searching.
void scrollCaretToProportionalPosition (const float xProportion = 1.0, const float yProportion = 0.5) throw();

/** Get the graphical position of the caret.

    When useScreenCoordinates = false, the rectangle is relative to the TextEditor.
    When true, desktop coordinates are used.

    Use this with search/replace dialogs to prevent them from hiding the caret.

    The width of the rectangle is always 0. The height depends on the
    current font.
const Rectangle getCaretRectangle (const bool useDesktopCoordinates = true) throw();

/** Get the caret position as a fraction of the text display area.

    The x and y coordinates will be between 0.0 and 1.0, inclusive.
const Point getCaretProportionalPosition () throw();


And the implementation:

[code]void TextEditor::scrollCaretToPosition (const int x, const int y) throw()
cursorHeight = currentFont.getHeight(); // (in case the text is empty and the call below doesn’t set this value)

getCharPosition (caretPosition,
                 cursorX, cursorY,

int vpX = roundFloatToInt (cursorX) - x;
int vpY = roundFloatToInt (cursorY) - y;

if (x < jmax (1, proportionOfWidth (0.05f)))
    vpX += x - proportionOfWidth (0.2f);
else if (x > jmax (0, viewport->getMaximumVisibleWidth() - (wordWrap ? 2 : 10)))
    vpX += x + (isMultiLine() ? proportionOfWidth (0.2f) : 10) - viewport->getMaximumVisibleWidth();

vpX = jlimit (0, jmax (0, textHolder->getWidth() + 8 - viewport->getMaximumVisibleWidth()), vpX);
vpY = jlimit (0, jmax (0, textHolder->getHeight() - viewport->getMaximumVisibleHeight()), vpY);

if (! isMultiLine())
    vpY = (getHeight() - textHolder->getHeight() - topIndent) / -2;
    const int curH = roundFloatToInt (cursorHeight);

    if (y < 0)
        vpY = jmax (0, y + vpY);
    else if (y > jmax (0, viewport->getMaximumVisibleHeight() - topIndent - curH))
        vpY += y + 2 + curH + topIndent - viewport->getMaximumVisibleHeight();

viewport->setViewPosition (vpX, vpY);


void TextEditor::scrollCaretToProportionalPosition (const float xRatio, const float yRatio) throw()
int width = viewport->getMaximumVisibleWidth();
int height = viewport->getMaximumVisibleHeight() - roundFloatToInt(currentFont.getHeight());
int x = jlimit(0, width, roundFloatToInt(width * xRatio));
int y = jlimit(0, width, roundFloatToInt(height * yRatio));
scrollCaretToPosition (x, y);

const Rectangle TextEditor::getCaretRectangle (const bool useScreenCoordinates) throw()
cursorHeight = currentFont.getHeight(); // (in case the text is empty and the call below doesn’t set this value)

getCharPosition (caretPosition,
                 cursorX, cursorY,

int x = roundFloatToInt(cursorX) - viewport->getX();
int y = roundFloatToInt(cursorY) - viewport->getY();
int height = roundFloatToInt(cursorHeight);
if (useScreenCoordinates)
    x += getScreenX();
    y += getScreenY();
return Rectangle(x, y, 0, height);


const Point TextEditor::getCaretProportionalPosition () throw()
const Rectangle rect = getCaretRectangle(false);
int width = jmax(1, viewport->getMaximumVisibleWidth());
int height = jmax(1, viewport->getMaximumVisibleHeight() - rect.getHeight());
float x = jlimit(0.0f, 1.0f, rect.getX() * 1.0f / width);
float y = jlimit(0.0f, 1.0f, rect.getY() * 1.0f / height);
return Point (x, y);
The first one - TextEditor::scrollCaretToPosition - is the heavy one, I adapted the code from TextEditor::scrollToMakeSureCursorIsVisible but I don’t fully understand the correction steps, though it works as far as I have tested it. The 2nd is the convenience wrapper I actually use; a single parameterless call centers the caret vertically.

The 3rd and 4th aren’t necessary for what I’m doing but I felt it was natural to add “getter” methods, should someone want finer control.

(The style of returning a Rectangle and a Point is, admittedly, biased by my jucePILS binding generator which doesn’t support out parameters as-is. It won’t spoil my day if you change it or decide these methods aren’t wanted.)

BTW TextEditor::scrollToMakeSureCursorIsVisible uses “Cursor” while other methods use “Caret” - I used “Caret” because it doesn’t get confused with the mouse cursor.

I hope you’ll consider them for inclusion, or, if they don’t feel right, suggest what should be changed or perhaps re-classify the private methods and fields I used as protected, so I can implement the caret scrolling in my own subclass without having to modify the juce source.

Ok, thanks - there’s a few things that don’t feel right there - like the “use screen co-ordinates” flag would be cluttering up the class too much for my liking. And returning a Point object which is actually proportional would seem wrong semantically - if there was a ProportionalPoint object, it’d be fair enough, but Points are always used to define an absolute position.

But I’ll have a look through and check something in soon - thanks!

Just spotted a typo in what I wrote:

void TextEditor::scrollCaretToProportionalPosition (const float xRatio, const float yRatio) throw() { int width = viewport->getMaximumVisibleWidth(); int height = viewport->getMaximumVisibleHeight() - roundFloatToInt(currentFont.getHeight()); int x = jlimit(0, width, roundFloatToInt(width * xRatio)); int y = jlimit(0, width, roundFloatToInt(height * yRatio)); /* oops height */ scrollCaretToPosition (x, y); }