What is the right way to adapt to orientation change?


I’m trying to get a JUCE-based iOS application to properly resize when the device (iPad) is turned. The project has an AudioProcessorEditor subclass where I implement parentSizeChanged() and resized(). When I detect in parentSizeChanged() that the desktop bounds have changed, I call setSize with the new bounds. Funnily, this leads to multiple calls (4 to be exact) of the resized() method, with varying values for the result of a call to getWidth():

Example for a rotation from landscape to portrait (the app was started in landscape mode and only displays this one correctly):
first call of resized(): getWidth() returns 1004 (1024-menu bar height)
second call of resized(): getWidth() returns 768 :smiley: (yep, that’s what we want!)
third call of resized(): getWidth() returns 1004 :?
fourth call of resized(): getWidth() returns 1024 :frowning:

I assume that my approach is not the right one. But how do you do this correctly? Thanks in advance for any suggestions!

Best regards,

Ok, I could solve the problem myself. The solution is to define the entire application as full screen. In my case this means calling mainWindow->setFullScreen(true); (mainWindow is a StandaloneFilterWindow).

Just out of curiosity: what is the right place to make changes that depend on the orientation of the device (besides resizing, which has been solved now)? Is it in the resized() method? I searched a bit in the JUCE source code for shouldRotate, shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation, willAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation and didAutorotateFromInterfaceOrientation, and looked at the methods that are getting called from there, but it doesn’t seem like there is a JUCE-specific (not iOS-specific) method that will get called from these methods. Will there be such a method at some point or is it simply not necessary?


You have to set your main windows full screen (as you’ve discovered). I’ve had problems with this before, otherwise you get wrong values.

Regarding change of orientation, what i do is detect this in the `resized’ method of my main component. where either w >= h or w < h.

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Hi Hugh,
thanks for your reply!