Which JUCE open source license should I copy when distributing my app under GPL3?

Is it simply copying the content of this file?: JUCE/LICENSE.md at master · juce-framework/JUCE (github.com)

Or is it the text content of this two webpages?: JUCE 7 End User License Agreement - JUCE and JUCE Privacy Policy - JUCE

Or is is copying the complete content of GPL 3.0?The GNU General Public License v3.0 - GNU Project - Free Software Foundation

My application also uses juce_audio_basics and juce_audio_devices modules. Do I need to append the content of the ISC license?: ISC Open Source Software Licenses - ISC

Because the licenses in the GitHub repo are not particularly clear. May I ask which certificate should be displayed to users in my application? Looking forward to your reply.

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If you are distributing your app and the source code that you have written under the GPLv3 then you should use the GPLv3.

Don’t use the JUCE license - this is exclusively for source code that is owned by JUCE, not source code that has been written by anyone else.

You don’t have to append the content of the ISC license.