Xinerama opt in at runtime (no need for dev packages)

This way we don’t need to link the Xinerama package, it will be only used if the user have it.

void juce_updateMultiMonitorInfo (Array <Rectangle>& monitorCoords, const bool /*clipToWorkArea*/) throw()
    int major_opcode, first_event, first_error;

    if (XQueryExtension (display, "XINERAMA", &major_opcode, &first_event, &first_error))
        typedef struct {
           int   screen_number;
           short x_org;
           short y_org;
           short width;
           short height;
        } XineramaScreenInfo;

        typedef Bool (*tXineramaIsActive) (Display*);
        typedef XineramaScreenInfo* (*tXineramaQueryScreens) (Display*, int*);

        static tXineramaIsActive xXineramaIsActive = 0;
        static tXineramaQueryScreens xXineramaQueryScreens = 0;

        if (xXineramaIsActive == 0 || xXineramaQueryScreens == 0)
            void* h = dlopen ("", RTLD_GLOBAL | RTLD_NOW);

            if (h != 0)
                xXineramaIsActive = (tXineramaIsActive) dlsym (h, "XineramaIsActive");
                xXineramaQueryScreens = (tXineramaQueryScreens) dlsym (h, "XineramaQueryScreens");

        if (xXineramaIsActive != 0 
            && xXineramaQueryScreens != 0
            && xXineramaIsActive (display))
            int numMonitors = 0;
            XineramaScreenInfo* const screens = xXineramaQueryScreens (display, &numMonitors);

            if (screens != 0)
                for (int i = numMonitors; --i >= 0;)
                    int index = screens[i].screen_number;

                    if (index >= 0)
                        while (monitorCoords.size() < index)
                            monitorCoords.add (Rectangle (0, 0, 0, 0));

                        monitorCoords.set (index, Rectangle (screens[i].x_org,

                XFree (screens);

    if (monitorCoords.size() == 0)
        Atom hints = XInternAtom (display, "_NET_WORKAREA", True);

        if (hints != None)
            const int numMonitors = ScreenCount (display);

            for (int i = 0; i < numMonitors; ++i)
                Window root = RootWindow (display, i);

                unsigned long nitems, bytesLeft;
                Atom actualType;
                int actualFormat;
                unsigned char* data = 0;

                if (XGetWindowProperty (display, root, hints, 0, 4, False,
                                        XA_CARDINAL, &actualType, &actualFormat, &nitems, &bytesLeft,
                                        &data) == Success)
                    const long* const position = (const long*) data;

                    if (actualType == XA_CARDINAL && actualFormat == 32 && nitems == 4)
                        monitorCoords.add (Rectangle (position[0], position[1],
                                                      position[2], position[3]));

                    XFree (data);

        if (monitorCoords.size() == 0)
            monitorCoords.add (Rectangle (0, 0,
                                          DisplayWidth (display, DefaultScreen (display)),
                                          DisplayHeight (display, DefaultScreen (display))));

and you can get rid of any #include <Xinerama.h>

Hope it will be included in the main tip!

Cool - thanks very much! I guess I could also just remove the JUCE_USE_XINERAMA setting altogether. (Or is there a reason why you might want to disable it?)

yes, eventually we can add the same for the Xshm extension. so if it is not present it will fall back.