BR: TreeView performance is so bad it's unusable

This is a release build running on a Apple M1. You can see the scrolling starts off smooth, but the further you scroll, the slower it gets until it can’t even do 1 fps. If there are enough items, eventually it gets so bad the OS thinks the app has stopped responding.

Code: juce_bugs/TreeViewPerf/Source/MainComponent.cpp at master · FigBug/juce_bugs · GitHub


Here is a non-insane implementation of getAllVisibleItems() that is O(n) instead of O(n*n). Same behaviour as the original that finds the visible items plus 4 extra.

    std::vector<TreeViewItem*> getAllVisibleItems() const
        if (owner.rootItem == nullptr)
            return {};

        const auto visibleTop = -getY();
        const auto visibleBottom = visibleTop + getParentHeight();

        std::vector<TreeViewItem*> allItems;
        std::vector<TreeViewItem*> visibleItems;
        std::function<void (TreeViewItem*)> findItems;
        findItems = [&] (TreeViewItem* itm)
            if (itm != owner.rootItem || owner.rootItemVisible)
                allItems.push_back (itm);
            if (itm->isOpen())
                for (int i = 0; i < itm->getNumSubItems(); i++)
                    findItems (itm->getSubItem (i));
        findItems (owner.rootItem);
        std::optional<int> firstIndex;
        std::optional<int> lastIndex;
        for (size_t i = 0; i < allItems.size(); i++)
            auto itm = allItems[i];
            if (itm->y + itm->itemHeight > visibleTop && itm->y < visibleBottom)
                visibleItems.push_back (itm);
                if (! firstIndex.has_value()) firstIndex = int (i);
                lastIndex = int (i);
        if (firstIndex.has_value())
            if (*firstIndex - 1 >= 0) 
                visibleItems.insert (visibleItems.begin(), allItems[size_t (*firstIndex - 1)]);
            if (*firstIndex - 2 >= 0)
                visibleItems.insert (visibleItems.begin(), allItems[size_t (*firstIndex - 2)]);
        if (lastIndex.has_value())
            if (*lastIndex + 1 < int (allItems.size())) 
                visibleItems.push_back (allItems[size_t (*lastIndex + 1)]);
            if (*lastIndex + 2 < int (allItems.size()))
                visibleItems.push_back (allItems[size_t (*lastIndex + 2)]);
        return visibleItems;

+1 for just giving Roland commit rights to JUCE
develop, can’t pay for better bug reports (including fixes)! Feeling grateful :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Would be awesome if @RolandMR would have a JUCE fork with fixes ready so we can cherry-pick. Or is there one that u didn’t find?

I would also like to thank you for all the contributions. Are the bugs in the juce_bugs repo generally fixed in the reFX fork?

Depends which of my clients I fixed the bug for, they will either appear in GitHub - reFX/JUCE: The JUCE cross-platform C++ framework or GitHub - Tracktion/JUCE: The JUCE cross-platform C++ framework

In this case, the fix is here: tracktion: TreeView improve performance · Tracktion/JUCE@b5b5dee · GitHub

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We certainly appreciate the bug reports and fixes! However, no-one gets to push directly to develop, not even JUCE employees. Each commit needs to be reviewed by at least one other team-member, and pass our CI pipeline. We can try to get this fix merged soon, but unfortunately most of our time is currently being spent preparing JUCE 8.


You should consider making the tests (or at least a subset) run on GitHub Actions. It would make it a lot easier for those submitting patches to know if it compiles cleanly on all platform for example.


Heh, that’s all a good thing! Don’t mind me, just being effusive in my support for Roland.

Good luck whipping 8 into shape!

I would love this too. I brought up the possibility a couple ADCs ago (when I was enthusiastically porting everything to GitHub Actions).


Please keep this conversation on the topic of TreeView performance and away from derogatory cartoons about the JUCE team.


Fair enough to bring the conversation back to the original topic, but I see no derogatory behaviour above. The conversation seemed nice and respectful of the JUCE team while providing (hopefully constructive) feedback.

Current Treeviews feel clunky (for a lack of a better term, I am not a native speaker) to me too. +1 for improving their performance when the time comes.

Suspect it was removed.
But yes, the treeview deserves some TLC. Hopefully rather sooner then later.

Oh, I haven’t thought of that, makes sense.

Thanks for reporting, the issue should be resolved here: