Add withUserAgent to URL::InputStream::Options

We need to be able to identify the application / version of an application I am working on when it hits our REST endpoints. Currently I’m using juce::URL::createInputStream to make the requests.
On Windows it simply sends juce as the user agent and on macOS it’s APP_NAME/APP_VERSION CFNetwork/1492.0.1 Darwin/23.3.0
It seems these are just baked into the WebInputStream::Pimpl classes so there is no way to change them.

It would be great if a withUserAgent option could be added to URL::InputStream::Options much like WebBrowserComponent::Options has.

It’s already possible to specify a custom user agent in JUCE URL class, we do that calling:

options = options.withExtraHeaders("User-Agent: your string here")

Where options is the URL::InputStreamOptions object, and it works as expected when the client connects from Windows and macOS (not tested on Linux)