AlertWindow without buttons does not show on Windows

I have the following problem:

-within my delegate object method, I open an AlertWindow without a button:

        AlertWindow progressWindow("Processor","Reading data...",AlertWindow::InfoIcon);

-after this, I make a call to a function which is 3 seconds blocking

-then, I make another call to a function which is 3 seconds blocking

-then, I make another call to a function which is 3 seconds blocking


=> On Mac, the AlertWindow shows
        but when I try to update the text with setMessage it has no effect
       or when I add a progressBarComponent: it does not progress
(all the same problem, while I am in my same function with the blocking calls GUI seems not to update)

=> While on Mac, I can live with it, simply showing an Alert with a non-changing message, on Windows XP the AlertWindow does not show at all


I suspect that I am using AlertWindow in an unintended way (without Buttons, simply to show a message while I am busy with a blocking call).

I have not issues with AlertWindows with buttons, but I can't use them for my purpose, I simply need to only show a message without buttons during a period of time.

Any suggestions are appreciated, thanks,




Expecting the GUI to somhow update itself while you're blocking the GUI thread is kind of optimistic..