Basic example of deploying to multiple platforms

I would like to construct the simplest possible example of deploying to multiple platforms. (I think such an example would be very welcome in the documentation, so that newcomers could immediately get a feel for how Juce works!)

I'm on OS X.

I compile and run IntroJucer, create a default hello world windowed app, click "Save project and open in XCode", run it and boom: I get my hello world window. Nice!

Now I have an android device, and I suspect my MacBook is setup to go. Because I've been using Unity3D, and I could successfully build onto my android device from that. I vaguely remember downloading and installing a JDK thingy.

So how can I get this project running on my android device?

Can I do it through IntroJucer, the same as I did my OSX port? It doesn't seem to provide any "Deploy to Android"-type button (I was expecting maybe to see one alongside the "Deploy to XCode"-type one)

Can XCode deploy to Android??


PS I can see one possible problem straight away. This app is running in a window on OSX, and it has a menu. So I'm guessing it will run on my Android phone just without showing the menu, and fullscreen rather than windowed.


In Introjucer right-click on the project icon (the orange slice) then "Create a New Android Project Target". 


Erm, there's a Hello World app that builds on everyhing.

I use a PC to build Win/Eclipse for Android (Hint: hunt around the forum to see how to build).

I haven't used XCode to do OSX/iOS in a while, and I've only tried Linux in the form of a Raspberry Pi (last time I tried this onRaspian I had some issues)

Ok, so I have loaded the stock HelloWorld.jucer into IntroJucer (thanks Dub)

And Config Tab -> right click on Orange Juce Icon -> "Create a new Android project target" (thanks 4321)

but now what do I do?

I was expecting it to create a new target alongside the existing targets, then I could open it up using eclipse.

But it doesn't seem to be creating this Android target:

pi@piBookAir.local ~ /Users/pi/Desktop/JUCE-master/extras/example projects/Builds:
 >  ls
Linux            VisualStudio2005    iOS
MacOSX            VisualStudio2008

I try IntroJucer menu -> "File" -> "Save All", hoping that it may flush the change. But it doesn't.

Have a good look around Introjucer, all its settings etc.


When you're in Introjucer, you can create build projects for the various platforms supported (you'll need to know details of what you want to develop for - what flavour of Android, any specific options etc) - then save the introjucer project . It'll update each of your selected platform projects folders.


FIRST Checking you know your eclipse / android builds work independantly. You'll need to read around for that...

Then, a search of the Juce/Android forum posts for building on your system of choice e.g.

After you're done, look in the builds folder - you should see a buld folder for each platform in your introjucer project

Then,  import a project from the builds/android folder...