Bug in ADSR

I found a bug in the current implementation of the ADSR envelope. Namely when void applyEnvelopeToBuffer (AudioBuffer<FloatType>& buffer, int startSample, int numSamples) is used with parameters attack: 0, decay: 100, sustain: 100%, release: 1000, the release stage is skipped. The problem seems to be that envelopeVal is never set to the sustain value when applyEnvelopeToBuffer is used (because the attack and decay stages are skipped). I managed to solve this by adding the following line to the noteOn function where the attack and decay stages are skipped:

void noteOn() noexcept
        if (attackRate > 0.0f)
            state = State::attack;
        else if (decayRate > 0.0f)
            envelopeVal = 1.0f;
            state = State::decay;
            envelopeVal = parameters.sustain; // This line was added
            state = State::sustain;

I also created a pull request implementing this here

Thanks for reporting, this has been fixed on the develop branch now:

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