Change the MidiBuffer Output from Code?

There’s a good overview of how to get that up and running here:

I’ve tried to follow this but I just get very similar compiler errors to the others who comment afterwards, unfortunately I cannot follow their solutions, there’s not quite enough detail.

I’ve uploaded the files in the vain hope that someone will take pity on me and have a look, there’s definitely something wrong at the end of the StandaloneFilterApp.cpp, what else I’m not sure?

PluginEditor.cpp (1.5 KB)
PluginEditor.h (1.2 KB)
PluginProcessor.cpp (6.4 KB)
PluginProcessor.h (2.3 KB)
StandaloneFilterApp.cpp (5.6 KB)
StandaloneFilterWindow.h (43.1 KB)

I’d just like to customize the Window of a Plugin’s Standalone App a little bit, nothing major, just maybe hide / unhide the Options Menu, customize what it displays a bit maybe, change some colours, etc… really basic stuff.