Changing a components color with text buttons

I am trying to write a simple application to play with the awesome graphics rendering code, which sets the color of my component based on user input, like pushing a text button. I wasn’t sure how to start this, can anyone please help? Am I thinking down the right path here with code sample below, or is this way off?

void ColorComponent::paint (Graphics& g)
       // Component initially painted with green and black checkerboard 
       g.fillCheckerBoard (0, 0, getWidth(), getHeight(), 50, 50, Colours::green, Colours::black);

void ColorComponent::buttonClicked (Button* buttonThatWasClicked)

    if (buttonThatWasClicked == textButton)
       // would like to switch checkerboard colors upon the pressing of this button
       // but the compile fails
       g.fillCheckerBoard (0, 0, getWidth(), getHeight(), 50, 50, Colours::black, Colours::green);
    else if (buttonThatWasClicked == textButton2)
       // Upon pushing this text button, the component is painted white
       g.fillAll (Colours::white);


…yep, as your compiler would certainly tell you, it’s total gibberish.

All painting happens in your paint method - you can’t just scatter random bits of drawing code around all over your program! When it’s time to paint, the system creates a suitable Graphics object, and passes it to paint(), which draws with it, and returns. If someone presses a button and you need to repaint something, you call repaint(), which tells the system that it should call paint() again sometime in the future.

Thanks for confirming that this was gibberish and I was going down the wrong path.

So I understand that repaint() tells the system to call paint() at some point in the future. How do I control what colours are used for the painting, when textButton1 versus textButton2 is clicked? Within my buttonlistener, I see that I can call repaint() but I don’t know how to set the colours so that they are painted correctly.

When the button is pressed set the contents of a variable with a value that you then interpret in the paint() routine. Here is some psuedo-code to point you in the right direction:

in button handler:

if (button1 clicked)
    fillOperation = eDoCheckerBoard;
else if (button2 clicked)
    fillOperation = eDoWhite;

in paint:

switch (fillOperation)
    case eDoCheckerBoard : g.fillCheckerBoard(....); break;
    case eDoWhite : g.fillAll(...); break;

Thanks, I can’t believe I missed that, I was thinking paint was static and that I couldn’t do checking in paint() for some kind of flag. This is what I came up with, I really appreciate the help.

void ColorComponent::buttonClicked (Button* buttonThatWasClicked)

    if (buttonThatWasClicked == textButton)
        colorFlag = 1;
    else if (buttonThatWasClicked == textButton2)
        colorFlag = 2;


void ColorComponent::paint (Graphics& g)

        if (colorFlag == 1) {

                g.fillAll (Colours::white);
        if (colorFlag == 2) {

                g.fillAll (Colours::black);
