Channel selection / deselection is broken with CoreAudio

Hi, the commit CoreAudio: More code modernisation and clean-up · juce-framework/JUCE@9a62775 · GitHub broke channel selection (only the last channel can be toggled on/off) . This part of the change is the issue:

       const auto activeIns  = BigInteger().setRange (0, jmin (ins .getHighestBit() + 1, getNumChannelNames (inStream)),  true);
        const auto activeOuts = BigInteger().setRange (0, jmin (outs.getHighestBit() + 1, getNumChannelNames (outStream)), true);

It is just filling all bits of activeIns and activeOuts to one. The old code that was replaced by this was working.

This issue is still here in the tip of develop, but the setRange(…) is now done in the Stream constructor.

It looks to me like this issue was fixed here:

Please let me know if the issue is still present on develop.