CJAP - CMake tools to facilitate the development of audio plug-ins

Hello everyone,

Like a lot of people, I get bored with every project, formatting, debugging, testing, packaging, and signing plug-ins. It’s not the most interesting part of development, but it’s pretty time-consuming. So I created a small collection of CMake tools to generate targets and automate this process: CJAP (CMake JUCE Audio Plug-in).

The project is under development but is already functional. For the moment, it only supports Xcode (Mac), Visual Studio (Windows), and Make (Linux), and documentation is fairly rudimentary. But don’t hesitate to give feedback, contribute, or just pick up a few ideas here and there. I hope it helps some of you.

Have a nice weekend!


Interesting approach to use CMake for code-signing and packaging etc.

I’m also considering publishing a project with CMake scripts to compile TensorFlowLite as a static library for Windows, Mac, and Linux to be embedded in a plug-in, but it requires a bit of code cleanup (and I don’t know if it’s really of interest :person_shrugging:).