Command-W and native title bars

I seem to do nothing but post about native title bar support. Anyhow, I added support for command-W and option-command-W to my app; here’s how I handled it if anyone cares. This is from the keyPressed handler for my window class:

[code] ModifierKeys mods;

mods = key.getModifiers();

// Look for option-command-w
// I have no idea where the magic key code 183 came from, but that's what you get
if (key.isKeyCode(183) && mods.isCommandDown() && mods.isAltDown())
  // do something to close all your application's windows at once here

// Look for command-w
if (key.isKeyCode('w') && (mods.isCommandDown()))


ok, I guess I should add something along those lines to the mac windowing code. Not sure if I can easily do the close-all-windows version without making lots of changes, but will add the cmd-w shortcut.

oh - actually it’s already there in DocumentWindow, which adds cmd-w as a shortcut for the close button.

Not sure if it would actually be a good idea to add it as a default ‘close window’ key for other top-level components, because you might not want the user to be able to just close it (e.g. alertwindows, etc)

Right, but that doesn’t work in native title bar mode since the close button isn’t a JUCE button. You can see this easily with the JUCE demo.

However, adding this to my app was no big deal; I figured it was easier just to do it myself rather than delve into the Mac windowing code in JUCE.

As far as cmd-opt-w, I agree with you; I don’t think you’d want to build it into JUCE. Having it in my code is fine.

My original post was meant to be informative; I wasn’t asking you to add something to JUCE. I wanted to spare others the pain of figuring out the magic key code of 183. : )
