Custom Mouse Cursor Disappears in Ableton

I have a custom mouse cursor graphic that I load through the LookAndFeel. In Ableton, if the arrangement view is moving while playing and I mouse over my plugin, my cursor will show and then immediately revert back to the native mouse cursor.

Quick video showing what I mean.

My code is basically

class OtherLookAndFeel  : public juce::LookAndFeel_V4

        mouseCursor = juce::Image(juce::ImageCache::getFromMemory(BinaryData::amiMouseCursor_png, BinaryData::amiMouseCursor_pngSize));
        pixelCursor = juce::MouseCursor(mouseCursor.rescaled(22,22, juce::Graphics::lowResamplingQuality), 1, 1);

    juce::MouseCursor getMouseCursorFor(juce::Component&) override
        return pixelCursor;



    juce::Image mouseCursor;
    juce::MouseCursor pixelCursor;



And then I load the OtherLookAndFeel class like:

class AmiAudioProcessorEditor  : public juce::AudioProcessorEditor
    AmiAudioProcessorEditor(AmiAudioProcessor& p) : AudioProcessorEditor (&p), audioProcessor(p)


    ~AmiAudioProcessorEditor() override



    OtherLookAndFeel lookNFeel;


    AmiAudioProcessor& audioProcessor;

I’ve tried initializing mouseCursor and pixelCursor on the heap instead of the stack by making them unique pointers, thinking maybe it was an issue with those objects’ scope. I’ve tried, with little hope, making the lookNFeel object a unique pointer, just in case it was an issue with that being on the stack.

I even tried overriding mouseEnter() and putting setMouseCursor() in there as a possibly hacky workaround until I found a better solution :sweat_smile:

At this point I think it’s more an issue with how Ableton is handling my plugin and there’s not much I can do about it, but I figured I’d check here if there’s anything I’m missing or if anyone had a similar issue and found a solution.

I’m using Windows 11 but IIRC it happens in Ableton on my mac as well

We don’t use the Look&Feel for our custom mouse cursors, but they work fine in Live (on the Mac, at least). But we just call setMouseCursor() for the view(s) that use them.

Hmm I tried that and I still have the same issue :confused: