
Hi Jules,

you redesigned the whole way how TabBarButtons drawed, i need access things like orientation etc. in the LookAndFeel Callback. Maybe please add TabbedButtonBar& getOwner to TabBarButton.

I now you have sometimes good reasons to change the “API”, but this can be very time-consuming, every time you change even a little bit, it kills backwards compatibility - that can be enormous time killer for example when switching to older versions for bug finding etc. Its just a little bit frustrating, instead of implementing new features in my app, i loose my time in customizing the tab-bar button style again.

For any new methods i recommend this design:
void myMethod (myMethodParameters parameters)
instead this
void myMethod (int para1, int para2, int para3)

Yes, sorry, but in order to add custom components to the tabs I had to refactor a bunch of old crusty code.

Having a parameters structure for look+feel methods is a good idea, though most likely it’d simply cause runtime errors instead of compile-time ones, because older code would fail to set new fields of the struct, which would probably make things go wrong, etc. But at some point I definitely want to set aside some time to really cleaning up the LookAndFeel class, which has become a horrible bloated thing!