FR: Improve File::copyInternal -- by API change or logs

Due to some recent bungling of Finder when macOS Ventura hit the market, we’re unable to copy files to hidden drives.

This was a hard one to track down, and we might have caught this a bit earlier if JUCE’s File::copyInternal (and the user facing juce::File::copyFileTo) logged errors and/or returned a juce::Result instead of a bool.

FWIW – what did help was this roughed in code for macOS:

bool File::copyInternal (const File& dest) const
        NSFileManager* fm = [NSFileManager defaultManager];

        NSError* error = nil;
        if (! ([fm fileExistsAtPath: juceStringToNS (fullPath)]
                && [fm copyItemAtPath: juceStringToNS (fullPath)
                               toPath: juceStringToNS (dest.getFullPathName())
                                error: &error]))
            if (error != nullptr)
                String message = "ERROR --- juce::File::copyInternal";
                    << newLine << "localizedDescription: " << nsStringToJuce (error.localizedDescription)
                    << newLine << "localizedFailureReason: " << nsStringToJuce (error.localizedFailureReason)
                    << newLine << "localizedRecoverySuggestion: " << nsStringToJuce (error.localizedRecoverySuggestion)
                    << newLine << "domain: " << nsStringToJuce (error.domain)
                    << newLine << "code: " << String ((int64) error.code)
                    << newLine;

                Logger::writeToLog (message);

            return false;

        return true;