Freeze when opening FileChooser

yes, that’s the curiosity on Parallels Desktop VM’s there is no issue see my post earlier in the thread above. It happens on physical Linux, on VMware and Vbox guest, only not on Parallels Desktop.
And it happens when gtklib 3.17.8+ is in place, not gtklib 3.17.7 and below. As I interpret the change in the gtkfilechooserwidget introduced with gtklib 3.17.8 as security improvement. My further hypothesis regarding the fact that this security fix doesn’t have an impact on Parallels Desktop VM hosted Linux only is that Parallels Desktop interacts in a way between OSX filesystem and guest filesystem which make this change ineffective - by chance with a “positive” side effect on our case here.
Therefore to reproduce it you have to download Virtualbox (free) or VMware it doesn’t matter if hosted on Windows or OSX - I tried it on both with same result, it freezes.

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