Future suggestions

My concerning and suggestions…

Making AU instruments instead of AU Effects. When using Apple’s AU SDK, we usually use different base classes for instruments/effects/music effects.

Parameters types and value range should be defined in the JUCE’s audio filter class. AU (and RTAS…) need parameter type (generic float, on/off, indexed, gain, Hz, time, and so on…). If it is not defined, there will be problem in automation and controling from control surface like Mackie Control and displaying values in host.

Regarding keyboard events, we should pass through key down/up events for unused key events. For example, when we only need cursor key, other key events should be passed to host application. Otherwise we can’t use space key for starting host’s sequence. (The event handler should return eventNotHandledErr when our components didn’t process the key event)

Drag and Drop. Some developers want to drag their MIDI/Audio data into host’s arrangement window or desktop.

Im so sorry for many oppinions…

Best regards,
Masanao Hayashi

[quote=“hayashi”]My concerning and suggestions…

Drag and Drop. Some developers want to drag their MIDI/Audio data into host’s arrangement window or desktop.


I was looking into using the JUCE Audio Plugin Framework and was curious if it is possible to do drag and drop from a plugin into a host. The excerpt from the quoted post suggests this is not the case. Before I invest a bunch of time learning the framework, is this something that is supported? Any suggestions/examples?

Specifically I want to build a PC VST that lets me select a particular sample, and then drag it into a track in my host. (Why? I would like an improved sample browser for Tracktion 3 and other hosts.)


Thanks Hayashi, I’ll think about those.

Yes, of course it can do drag-and-drag. I think someone did a plugin with d+d years ago (maybe haydxn?) You’d just use DragAndDropContainer::performExternalDragDropOfFiles to drag a midi or audio file, like you would in a normal app.

[quote=“jules”]Thanks Hayashi, I’ll think about those.

Yes, of course it can do drag-and-drag. I think someone did a plugin with d+d years ago (maybe haydxn?) You’d just use DragAndDropContainer::performExternalDragDropOfFiles to drag a midi or audio file, like you would in a normal app.[/quote]

Great! I’ll give it a shot. I’ve played around with the VST SDK before so it will be interesting to see how the JUCE Audio Plugin Framework compares.
