Grid::templateAreas doesn't allow for additional whitespace

Not sure if it’s intended or not, but adding extra whitespace to the Strings given to Grid::templateAreas causes an assertion in parseAreasProperty() about “all rows must have the name number of columns”.

    Grid grid;
    using TI = Grid::TrackInfo;

    grid.templateColumns = { TI(80_px), TI(0_px), TI(65_px), TI(65_px), TI(0_px), TI(80_px) };
    grid.templateRows = { TI(115_px), TI(115_px) };

    // Adding extra whitespace to these Strings to make them look prettier causes an assertion.
    grid.templateAreas = {
        "threshold  gap ratio   knee    gap gain",
        "threshold  gap attack  release gap gain"

    // Removing the whitespace prevents the assertion (but is less readable):
    grid.templateAreas = {
        "threshold gap ratio knee gap gain",
        "threshold gap attack release gap gain"

Here’s a similar example in JSFiddle where the extra whitespace under grid-template-areas doesn’t seem to cause any issues: