JUCE beginner here, need help with windowapplication tutorial

Hey everyone, i’m new to JUCE and coding in general, I’m trying to create a resizable window, I have followed the tutorial exactly but when I run it in xcode I keep getting errors.


Screen Shot 2021-04-05 at 14.34.17 ![Screen Shot 2021-04-05 at 14.34.29|690x147]


This file was auto-generated!

It contains the basic startup code for a JUCE application.


#include “…/JuceLibraryCode/JuceHeader.h”

class MainWindowTutorialApplication : public juce::JUCEApplication

class MainWindow    : public juce::DocumentWindow
    MainWindow (juce::String name)  : DocumentWindow (name,
        centreWithSize (300, 200);
        setVisible (true);

    void closeButtonPressed() override


std::unique_ptr mainWindow;
MainWindowTutorialApplication() {}

const juce::String getApplicationName() override { return ProjectInfo::projectName; }

const juce::String getApplicationVersion() override { return ProjectInfo::versionString; }
bool moreThanOneInstanceAllowed() override { return true; }

void initialise (const juce::String& commandLine) override
    // Add your application's initialisation code here..
mainWindow.reset (new MainWindow (getApplicationName()));

void shutdown() override
    // Add your application's shutdown code here..
mainWindow = nullptr;

void systemRequestedQuit() override
    // This is called when the app is being asked to quit: you can ignore this
    // request and let the app carry on running, or call quit() to allow the app to close.

void anotherInstanceStarted (const String& commandLine) override
    // When another instance of the app is launched while this one is running,
    // this method is invoked, and the commandLine parameter tells you what
    // the other instance's command-line arguments were.


// This macro generates the main() routine that launches the app.
START_JUCE_APPLICATION (MainWindowTutorialApplication)

if more info is needed let me know
Any help would be appreciated, thanks!

Hi, welcome to the forum. The code you’ve pasted here is really garbled. You should paste code with three “back ticks” ( ` ) in front, and below. Maybe you could edit and clean this up?

So I can’t really read through what’s here. I would suspect from the errors generated that you have a bad character somewhere in your Main.cpp. Because the first 5 errors seem to be wrong (you have those functions), so the last two are causing them, and that’s a typical error to get when you have a wrong character, or semi-colon, etc somewhere in the declarations.

In line below const juce::String& is required:

void anotherInstanceStarted (const String& commandLine) override

But i don’t think your error is related to that (@stephenk is probably right).