
I want to enable JUCE_LIVE_CONSTANT in my standalone app, but I hit an assert constantly.

The value is properly extracted, __FILE__ and __LINE__ are correct but the CodeDocument::Position seems to be the issue. Variables line just returns an empty string.

It looks like the CodeDocument is not parsed correctly initially.

Here’s the assert:

void LivePropertyEditorBase::findOriginalValueInCode()
    CodeDocument::Position pos (document, value.sourceLine, 0);
    auto line = pos.getLineText();
    auto p = line.getCharPointer();

    p = CharacterFunctions::find (p, CharPointer_ASCII ("JUCE_LIVE_CONSTANT"));

    if (p.isEmpty())
        // Not sure how this would happen - some kind of mix-up between source code and line numbers..
        jassertfalse; // <----- HERE

My standalone app is pretty big, and I wonder that with all the different includes, parsing is done incorrectly. I’m also using CMake, which could be a source of error (post-processing of source files ?).

Looking for ideas to get this working.

Thank you in advance !


Update : it has to do with the macOS sandbox. The app is NOT allowed to access the source file for reading…