JUCE & VStudio -- versions advice

Hi all, I’m pretty new to all this.

My aim is to make a sampler plugin, so I’ve been following The Audio Programmer’s tutorial on youtube Build a Sampler VST Plug-in with JUCE Part 1 - Loading and Playing - YouTube

I notice that he’s using v.5 JUCE whereas I just went and downloaded the latest V.7

Is it a bit like Python, where it’s a good idea to stick with the latest stable release of the previous version, so at the moment that would be the latest V.6 release?

Similarly, I seem to be running into compile errors in Visual Studio 2022. I’m now downloading the 2019 build tools into my installation, so hopefully that will help.

Generally just looking for some newbie advice as to what the best version combination of JUCE and Visual Studio might be – or am I likely to be needing multiple versions depending on what tutorials or example projects I’m tying to run?

Long term aim is to learn from the ground up, following C++ tutorials and reading the JUCE docs, but for now, like many people I suppose, I’m interested in trying some working projects just to orient myself with where I’m headed.

I wouldn’t recommend going back to Visual Studio 2019 and/or Juce 6, your compilation problems are likely not going to be solved by that. It’s kind of inevitable old tutorials and projects will get out of date. Once you gain enough experience with C++ and Juce, you may be able to figure out how to solve issues in outdated code.

Many things have changed (mostly for the better) from JUCE 5 to JUCE 7, so I’d say start with JUCE7, Visual Studio 2022 and C++17. Use the tutorial as an inspiration but build it from the ground up with those modern versions. You can also dig into the JUCE demo code if you need up-to-date examples. Being new to something can actually be a blessing. E.g. don’t waste time trying to understand juce::ScopedPointer, just jump straight into using std::unique_ptr.

Thanks @xenakios @Qfactor for the answers. Definitely a good idea to work ground-up with the latest version. I learned a lot from following the tutorial anyway, I suppose least of my worries that it didn’t actually compile!
I came to realize on major problem I had was not having ASIO SDK installed, which I’ve now addressed.