
Just updated to the latest version and it seems that something has changed with the labelTextChanged? It used to be called once after a label has been changed, but now it gets called a number of times.

It now uses the Value class to hold the value, and that could be generating extra change messages, though it seemed to work ok to me. Got some code I could run to demonstrate it?

using your latest demo on Windows, change TableDemo.cpp with this and set a breakpoint on labelTextChanged:


   This file is part of the JUCE library - "Jules' Utility Class Extensions"
   Copyright 2004-9 by Raw Material Software Ltd.


   JUCE can be redistributed and/or modified under the terms of the GNU General
   Public License (Version 2), as published by the Free Software Foundation.
   A copy of the license is included in the JUCE distribution, or can be found
   online at

   JUCE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
   WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
   A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more details.


   To release a closed-source product which uses JUCE, commercial licenses are
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#include "../jucedemo_headers.h"

    This class shows how to implement a TableListBoxModel to show in a TableListBox.
class TableDemoComponent    : public Component,
                              private LabelListener,
                              public TableListBoxModel
        : font (14.0f),
          demoData (0)
        // Load some data from an embedded XML file..

        // Create our table component and add it to this component..
        addAndMakeVisible (table = new TableListBox (T("demo table"), this));

        // give it a border
        table->setColour (ListBox::outlineColourId, Colours::grey);
        table->setOutlineThickness (1);

        // Add some columns to the table header, based on the column list in our database..
        forEachXmlChildElement (*columnList, columnXml)
            table->getHeader()->addColumn (columnXml->getStringAttribute T("name"),
                                           columnXml->getIntAttribute T("columnId"),
                                           columnXml->getIntAttribute T("width"),
                                           50, 400,

        // we could now change some initial settings..
        table->getHeader()->setSortColumnId (1, true); // sort forwards by the ID column
        table->getHeader()->setColumnVisible (7, false); // hide the "length" column until the user shows it

        // un-comment this line to have a go of stretch-to-fit mode
        // table->getHeader()->setStretchToFitActive (true);

        table->setMultipleSelectionEnabled (true);


        delete demoData;

	void labelTextChanged(Label *labelThatHasChanged)

    // This is overloaded from TableListBoxModel, and must return the total number of rows in our table
    int getNumRows()
        return numRows;

    // This is overloaded from TableListBoxModel, and should fill in the background of the whole row
    void paintRowBackground (Graphics& g, int rowNumber, int width, int height, bool rowIsSelected)
        if (rowIsSelected)
            g.fillAll (Colours::lightblue);

    // This is overloaded from TableListBoxModel, and must paint any cells that aren't using custom
    // components.
    void paintCell (Graphics& g,
                    int rowNumber,
                    int columnId,
                    int width, int height,
                    bool rowIsSelected)
        g.setColour (Colours::black);
        g.setFont (font);

        const XmlElement* rowElement = dataList->getChildElement (rowNumber);

        if (rowElement != 0)
            const String text (rowElement->getStringAttribute (getAttributeNameForColumnId (columnId)));

            g.drawText (text, 2, 0, width - 4, height, Justification::centredLeft, true);

        g.setColour (Colours::black.withAlpha (0.2f));
        g.fillRect (width - 1, 0, 1, height);

    // This is overloaded from TableListBoxModel, and tells us that the user has clicked a table header
    // to change the sort order.
    void sortOrderChanged (int newSortColumnId, const bool isForwards)
        if (newSortColumnId != 0)
            DemoDataSorter sorter (getAttributeNameForColumnId (newSortColumnId), isForwards);
            dataList->sortChildElements (sorter);


    // This is overloaded from TableListBoxModel, and must update any custom components that we're using
    Component* refreshComponentForCell (int rowNumber, int columnId, bool isRowSelected,
                                        Component* existingComponentToUpdate)
        if (columnId == 5) // If it's the ratings column, we'll return our custom component..
            RatingColumnCustomComponent* ratingsBox = (RatingColumnCustomComponent*) existingComponentToUpdate;

            // If an existing component is being passed-in for updating, we'll re-use it, but
            // if not, we'll have to create one.
            if (ratingsBox == 0)
                ratingsBox = new RatingColumnCustomComponent (*this);

            ratingsBox->setRowAndColumn (rowNumber, columnId);

            return ratingsBox;
            // for any other column, just return 0, as we'll be painting these columns directly.
            jassert (existingComponentToUpdate == 0);
            return 0;
			Label* editor = (Label*) existingComponentToUpdate;
			if (editor == 0)
				editor = new Label (String::empty, String::empty);
			editor->setText(T("click me"), false);
			editor->setEditable(false, true);
			return editor;

    // This is overloaded from TableListBoxModel, and should choose the best width for the specified
    // column.
    int getColumnAutoSizeWidth (int columnId)
        if (columnId == 5)
            return 100; // (this is the ratings column, containing a custom component)

        int widest = 32;

        // find the widest bit of text in this column..
        for (int i = getNumRows(); --i >= 0;)
            const XmlElement* rowElement = dataList->getChildElement (i);

            if (rowElement != 0)
                const String text (rowElement->getStringAttribute (getAttributeNameForColumnId (columnId)));

                widest = jmax (widest, font.getStringWidth (text));

        return widest + 8;

    // A couple of quick methods to set and get the "rating" value when the user
    // changes the combo box
    int getRating (const int rowNumber, const int columnId) const
        return dataList->getChildElement (rowNumber)->getIntAttribute (T("Rating"));

    void setRating (const int rowNumber, const int columnId, const int newRating)
        dataList->getChildElement (rowNumber)->setAttribute (T("Rating"), newRating);

    void resized()
        // position our table with a gap around its edge
        table->setBoundsInset (BorderSize (8));


    TableListBox* table;    // the table component itself
    Font font;

    XmlElement* demoData;   // This is the XML document loaded from the embedded file "demo table data.xml"
    XmlElement* columnList; // A pointer to the sub-node of demoData that contains the list of columns
    XmlElement* dataList;   // A pointer to the sub-node of demoData that contains the list of data rows
    int numRows;            // The number of rows of data we've got

    // This is a custom component containing a combo box, which we're going to put inside
    // our table's "rating" column.
    class RatingColumnCustomComponent    : public Component,
                                           public ComboBoxListener
        RatingColumnCustomComponent (TableDemoComponent& owner_)
            : owner (owner_)
            // just put a combo box inside this component
            addAndMakeVisible (comboBox = new ComboBox (String::empty));
            comboBox->addItem (T("fab"), 1);
            comboBox->addItem (T("groovy"), 2);
            comboBox->addItem (T("hep"), 3);
            comboBox->addItem (T("neat"), 4);
            comboBox->addItem (T("wild"), 5);
            comboBox->addItem (T("swingin"), 6);
            comboBox->addItem (T("mad for it"), 7);

            // when the combo is changed, we'll get a callback.
            comboBox->addListener (this);
            comboBox->setWantsKeyboardFocus (false);


        void resized()
            comboBox->setBoundsInset (BorderSize (2));

        // Our demo code will call this when we may need to update our contents
        void setRowAndColumn (const int newRow, const int newColumn)
            row = newRow;
            columnId = newColumn;
            comboBox->setSelectedId (owner.getRating (row, columnId), true);

        void comboBoxChanged (ComboBox* comboBoxThatHasChanged)
            owner.setRating (row, columnId, comboBox->getSelectedId());

        TableDemoComponent& owner;
        ComboBox* comboBox;
        int row, columnId;

    // A comparator used to sort our data when the user clicks a column header
    class DemoDataSorter
        DemoDataSorter (const String attributeToSort_, bool forwards)
            : attributeToSort (attributeToSort_),
              direction (forwards ? 1 : -1)

        int compareElements (XmlElement* first, XmlElement* second) const
            int result = first->getStringAttribute (attributeToSort)
                           .compareLexicographically (second->getStringAttribute (attributeToSort));

            if (result == 0)
                result = first->getStringAttribute (T("ID"))
                           .compareLexicographically (second->getStringAttribute (T("ID")));

            return direction * result;

        const String attributeToSort;
        const int direction;

    // this loads the embedded database XML file into memory
    void loadData()
        XmlDocument dataDoc (String ((const char*) BinaryData::demo_table_data_xml));
        demoData = dataDoc.getDocumentElement();

        dataList = demoData->getChildByName (T("DATA"));
        columnList = demoData->getChildByName (T("COLUMNS"));

        numRows = dataList->getNumChildElements();

    // (a utility method to search our XML for the attribute that matches a column ID)
    const String getAttributeNameForColumnId (const int columnId) const
        forEachXmlChildElement (*columnList, columnXml)
            if (columnXml->getIntAttribute T("columnId") == columnId)
                return columnXml->getStringAttribute T("name");

        return String::empty;

Component* createTableDemo()
    return new TableDemoComponent();

Jules, did you had a change to look at this?

Not yet, sorry…