Latest tip jucer build problem with LeakedObjectDetector

I’ve just downloaded the latest tip and tried to build the jucer.

I get this build error:

/Users/mickael/Developpement/UPipe/SDK/juce/extras/the jucer/build/mac/…/…/src/…/…/…/juce_amalgamated.h:8161:0
/Users/mickael/Developpement/UPipe/SDK/juce/extras/the jucer/build/mac/…/…/src/…/…/…/juce_amalgamated.h:8161:
error: ‘static const char* juce::InputStream::getLeakedObjectClassName()’ is private

This build error occurs for every juce classes

I don’t have this problem when including juce in my project.

Any tip ?

Thanks. I wonder why that only happens when compiling the jucer (??) Ah well, thanks for the heads-up, I’ll sort it out!

Thank you for fixing this quickly. Everything’s fine now.