Linking Catch2 tests against JUCE GUI application? [CMake]

I have a JUCE desktop application that gets built in CMake and I’d like to run unit tests with Catch2. Looking online, I used Pamplejuce as a guideline. Right now, I set up the project with juce_add_gui_app and link JUCE like so:


Followed by:


The Tests then get added:

add_executable(Tests ${TestFiles})

And the compile definitions/include directories are copied from the app:


Finally, libraries are (hopefully) linked:


After this, I call catch_discover_tests(Tests) from Catch2’s CMake API and that’s it. The project itself compiles and links correctly, but the linker doesn’t find definitions for any of the app source code’s symbols when building the tests. Is there some step I’m missing to properly link against a JUCE app like this? Otherwise, is it not possible to link against an app like a plugin? Any help much appreciated!

You shouldn’t link against an app.

Put the code you want to test into a module or library, then both your app and your tests can link to that module/library.

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Thanks, is there a way to make a library that depends on JUCE?

I would put it in juce module format.

Just to make sure, you mean create a JUCE module header that includes all the app’s code and then call juce_add_module in the CMakeLists?

Yes. A module header and main module cpp file would be needed - just like the juce-provided modules are laid out.

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Thanks for this- just moved everything into a module and the tests are working

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Great! Glad it’s working!

For those who have the same problem, use this. The GuiApp comes from JUCE/examples/CMake/GuiApp

# Example GUI App CMakeLists.txt

# To get started on a new GUI app, copy this entire folder (containing this file and C++ sources) to
# a convenient location, and then start making modifications. For other examples of CMakeLists for
# GUI apps, check `extras/Projucer` and `examples/DemoRunner` in the JUCE repo.

# The first line of any CMake project should be a call to `cmake_minimum_required`, which checks
# that the installed CMake will be able to understand the following CMakeLists, and ensures that
# CMake's behaviour is compatible with the named version. This is a standard CMake command, so more
# information can be found in the CMake docs.

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.15)

# The top-level CMakeLists.txt file for a project must contain a literal, direct call to the
# `project()` command. `project()` sets up some helpful variables that describe source/binary
# directories, and the current project version. This is a standard CMake command.


# If you've installed JUCE somehow (via a package manager, or directly using the CMake install
# target), you'll need to tell this project that it depends on the installed copy of JUCE. If you've
# included JUCE directly in your source tree (perhaps as a submodule), you'll need to tell CMake to
# include that subdirectory as part of the build.

# find_package(JUCE CONFIG REQUIRED)        # If you've installed JUCE to your system
# or
add_subdirectory(JUCE)                    # If you've put JUCE in a subdirectory called JUCE

# If your app depends the VST2 SDK, perhaps to host VST2 plugins, CMake needs to be told where
# to find the SDK on your system. This setup should be done before calling `juce_add_gui_app`.

# juce_set_vst2_sdk_path(...)

# `juce_add_gui_app` adds an executable target with the name passed as the first argument
# (GuiAppExample here). This target is a normal CMake target, but has a lot of extra properties set
# up by default. This function accepts many optional arguments. Check the readme at
# `docs/CMake` in the JUCE repo for the full list.

    # VERSION ...                       # Set this if the app version is different to the project version
    # ICON_BIG ...                      # ICON_* arguments specify a path to an image file to use as an icon
    # ICON_SMALL ...
    # DOCUMENT_EXTENSIONS ...           # Specify file extensions that should be associated with this app
    # COMPANY_NAME ...                  # Specify the name of the app's author
    PRODUCT_NAME "GuiAppExample")     # The name of the final executable, which can differ from the target name

# `juce_generate_juce_header` will create a JuceHeader.h for a given target, which will be generated
# into your build tree. This should be included with `#include <JuceHeader.h>`. The include path for
# this header will be automatically added to the target. The main function of the JuceHeader is to
# include all your JUCE module headers; if you're happy to include module headers directly, you
# probably don't need to call this.


# `target_sources` adds source files to a target. We pass the target that needs the sources as the
# first argument, then a visibility parameter for the sources which should normally be PRIVATE.
# Finally, we supply a list of source files that will be built into the target. This is a standard
# CMake command.


# `target_compile_definitions` adds some preprocessor definitions to our target. In a Projucer
# project, these might be passed in the 'Preprocessor Definitions' field. JUCE modules also make use
# of compile definitions to switch certain features on/off, so if there's a particular feature you
# need that's not on by default, check the module header for the correct flag to set here. These
# definitions will be visible both to your code, and also the JUCE module code, so for new
# definitions, pick unique names that are unlikely to collide! This is a standard CMake command.

        # JUCE_WEB_BROWSER and JUCE_USE_CURL would be on by default, but you might not need them.
        JUCE_WEB_BROWSER=0  # If you remove this, add `NEEDS_WEB_BROWSER TRUE` to the `juce_add_gui_app` call
        JUCE_USE_CURL=0     # If you remove this, add `NEEDS_CURL TRUE` to the `juce_add_gui_app` call

# If your target needs extra binary assets, you can add them here. The first argument is the name of
# a new static library target that will include all the binary resources. There is an optional
# `NAMESPACE` argument that can specify the namespace of the generated binary data class. Finally,
# the SOURCES argument should be followed by a list of source files that should be built into the
# static library. These source files can be of any kind (wav data, images, fonts, icons etc.).
# Conversion to binary-data will happen when your target is built.

# juce_add_binary_data(GuiAppData SOURCES ...)

# `target_link_libraries` links libraries and JUCE modules to other libraries or executables. Here,
# we're linking our executable target to the `juce::juce_gui_extra` module. Inter-module
# dependencies are resolved automatically, so `juce_core`, `juce_events` and so on will also be
# linked automatically. If we'd generated a binary data target above, we would need to link to it
# here too. This is a standard CMake command.

        # GuiAppData            # If we'd created a binary data target, we'd link to it here



        GIT_TAG        v3.0.1 # or a later release


add_executable(tests test.cpp)

target_link_libraries(tests PRIVATE  Catch2::Catch2WithMain juce::juce_gui_basics)
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