MidiRPNDetector? MPE Pitchbend Bug


I’m using the MPE Synthesizer with a single zone using all 15 channels.

During playback, I have the option to change the global pitchbend, if changed, I update the zone layout and the synth kills all voices. This is expected behavior because you can’t modulate or automate that setting.

Inside of Ableton however, it appears to be sending an RPN message (hadn’t heard of it before this) – which then calls: processPitchbendRangeRpnMessage (rpn); in the synth and invalidates the pitchbend range set by the user.

The synth then detects there’s a lack of parity between its settings and the state updates at a random time killing voices.

Is there something more to the MPE synth class? the DAW can set the pitchbend range? is setting the pitchbend ranges not as simple as just creating the correct zone configuration?