Minimum height of rotary slider?

Is there a minimum height for a rotary slider? I tried to make one in the range of about 30-60 pixels high, with the text box to the right (with dimensions 30x10), but I was unable to get the default graphics to show the knob itself (although I could see the text box and watch it change as I dragged the invisible knob up and down). Looking at some of the code in the (really complex) slider, it appears to reduce the bounds by 10 on all sides. That should still leave enough room to draw the knob, but no matter what I tried, I could not get the knob to draw. Is there a minimum height that I’m running into, preventing it from drawing? I ended up using linear sliders just so I can have something to work with asap, but am really curious why my knobs never showed up when using rotary sliders (with horizontal+vertical mouse tracking).

In order to get small rotary sliders, I had to do quite a bit of redesigning in LookAndFeel::drawRotarySlider()… definitely get rid of that reduction by 10; I used 2 as part of the tweaks.

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