openGL renderer attached - > GUI blacks out (for a short time) in Logic Pro (latest version)

I am noticing this behavior of about 1s editor blackout time myself in LogicPro X on an Intel MacBook Pro for my current development AU plugin. I am working with the latest GL-related commits from develop.

I have not AB tested without these newer GL commits, so I am not sure they are the cause of my blackout. A previous plugin my company developed, which did not use these newer GL commits, also has this blackout occasionally due to attaching to an OpenGLContext. It seems this previous plugin’s blackout is a bit shorter, maybe half a second.

But maybe there are other reasons you’re noticing a longer blackout. Maybe this blackout is longer when you’ve built in Debug mode vs Release?

One possible workaround for this is to attach the OpenGLContext in a delayed fashion using a Timer, as some people have experienced a less noticeable blackout or flash.

This is the approach my company took with the prior plugin mentioned above. This approach seemed to make our plugin blackout during OpenGLContext attachment less often, but occasionally I do see it in Logic AU but about a half second blackout.

You may already be aware of these things, but thought it might help to share my experience.