Os native non-save folder chooser

Just a small detail, but maybe it makes sense to remove the “Make New Folder” button from the os native folder chooser when not saving. At least, I couldn’t think of a case where you might want it.

This can be done by setting the BIF_NONEWFOLDERBUTTON flag (0x0200) for BROWSEINFO.ulFlags in combination with BIF_NEWDIALOGSTYLE. The flag is only supported from version 6.0 of the shell dlls, but I’m guessing setting it on version 5.0 won’t hurt. The flag is not defined in the shlobj.h that comes with MSVC 6 though.

…well I just tried a few of the apps I’ve got running here, and every single one has that button in their open box.

You just know that if I remove it someone will come along and ask for it back!

I have the (perhaps bizarre) habit of doing major directorial manoeuvrings while in the open dialog (esp. VS where I tend to do TortoiseSVNing from there too).

So leave it I say.

I’m with that man. Sometimes a file requestor is just quicker to hand than bolloxing around bringing up an explorer window.

fair enough… didn’t think of that

I’m with that man. Sometimes a file requestor is just quicker to hand than bolloxing around bringing up an explorer window.[/quote]

I’m a dab hand at the old [windows button between [ctrl] and [alt]] + [e] shortcut too though.