Our first commercial plugin using ONNX

+1, the subscription idea was based on the fact that we’re always either training the model more (servers in the cloud) or working with new singers to get new data, which costs studio & singer time. The fact that something is on a server definitely winds up being a huge cost for companies like OpenAI, but at our scale, it’s the continuous retraining and data sourcing that represents the largest recurring cost.

We’ve seen that there’s no demand for a subscription, though, and we’ve cut down our retraining budget & our recording budget as a result. Folks seem happy enough with the current plugin, and I think the marginal differences we’re seeing as we tweak it don’t really justify a subscription. Which is not to say we won’t have an epiphany at some point that leads to a major upgrade, but if/when this does happen, it’ll be a fresh angle rather than the incremental approach we’ve been using to retrain the plugin.

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Thanks for providing the info for the C++ part of things, what was the process with cmake did you statically link. I wondered if you could share any gists from the cmake side of things?