Pitch Bends

Has anyone got any experience sending MIDI messages with pitch bends? I need to cater for microtonal changes so using pitch bends is a necessity for me. My sequence of steps is basically in the following order -

MidiMessage message(0x90, 60, 127, -1); //using middle C on channel 1 for the example
message.pitchWheel(1, 5000); //applying pitch bend to channel 1
midiOut->sendMessageNow(message); //outputting message

I’ve tried applying the pitchWheel() function after the sendMessageNow() also but no difference.

Any help appreciated.


ahem… pitchWheel is a static function…

So it is! Should I just try and incorporate the pitch bend into the note data byte or is there a much simpler way of doing this?


MidiMessage message(0x90, 60, 127, -1); //using middle C on channel 1 for the example midiOut->sendMessageNow(message); //outputting message message = MidiMessage ::pitchWheel(1, 5000); //applying pitch bend to channel 1 midiOut->sendMessageNow(message); //outputting message

Thanks for that otristan! Seems to have done the trick…