Problem moving to CMake to build plugins

Hi, I currently am having problems shifting to using CMake for builds from Projucer as plugins are not being recognised when plugins built with CMake are being installed over those make with Projucer.



are being set in the CMake build to the same values as the Projucer project.

Not quite sure what DAWs use to uniquely ID a plugin so does anyone know if anything else needs settings?

Creating new plugins works fine with the CMake build, it just doesn’t see them as the same as a Projcer build.


I’ve used the example CMake project and provided the following information, which is identical to that in the Projucer file:

I’ve used the standard CMake plugin example for JUCE and filled in the information that was identified, i.e.

# VERSION ...                               # Set this if the plugin version is different to the project version
# ICON_BIG ...                              # ICON_* arguments specify a path to an image file to use as an icon for the Standalone
# COMPANY_NAME ...                          # Specify the name of the plugin's author
# IS_SYNTH TRUE/FALSE                       # Is this a synth or an effect?
# NEEDS_MIDI_INPUT TRUE/FALSE               # Does the plugin need midi input?
# NEEDS_MIDI_OUTPUT TRUE/FALSE              # Does the plugin need midi output?
# IS_MIDI_EFFECT TRUE/FALSE                 # Is this plugin a MIDI effect?
# EDITOR_WANTS_KEYBOARD_FOCUS TRUE/FALSE    # Does the editor need keyboard focus?
# COPY_PLUGIN_AFTER_BUILD TRUE/FALSE        # Should the plugin be installed to a default location after building?
PLUGIN_MANUFACTURER_CODE Juce               # A four-character manufacturer id with at least one upper-case character
PLUGIN_CODE Dem0                            # A unique four-character plugin id with exactly one upper-case character
                                            # GarageBand 10.3 requires the first letter to be upper-case, and the remaining letters to be lower-case
FORMATS AU VST3 Standalone                  # The formats to build. Other valid formats are: AAX Unity VST AU AUv3
PRODUCT_NAME "Audio Plugin Example")        # The name of the final executable, which can differ from the target name

It would appear though that providing this info and ensuring it’s the same as the Projucer file is not enough for the DAW to think it’s the same plugin.

Do you have a CMake file for the AudioPluginDemo at all?


After further testing this only appears to be an issue on Win, strangely enough.

After testing and some fixing of scripts, looks like the following is used to uniquely ID a plugin (by Live at any rate)