Projucer and VS Intermediate Path

I’m not sure the tip of the “Intermediates Path” field in the Projucer is that good :

An optional path to a folder to use for the intermediate build files. Note that Visual Studio allows you to use macros in this path, e.g. "$(TEMP)\MyAppBuildFiles$(Configuration)", which is a handy way to send them to the user’s temp folder.

When I set it to :


then my project did not build, and I had the following warning :

1>C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft.Cpp\v4.0\V140\Microsoft.CppBuild.targets(400,5): warning MSB8029: The Intermediate directory or Output directory cannot reside under the Temporary directory as it could lead to issues with incremental build.

OK, looking at this now.

This is fixed on develop.