ProJucer hack to exclude arm64 for AAX

Okay, Here’s a hack to ProJucer to exclude arm64 for AAX…

In the ProJucer projectSaving group in the file juce_ProjectExport_Xcode.h near line 1489…

                    auto excludedArchs = owner.getAllArchs();
                    const String targetName = getName();
                    excludedArchs.removeIf ([&validArchs, &targetName] (const auto& a)
                                                if (targetName == "AAX" && a.toString() == "arm64")
                                                    return false;
                                                return validArchs.contains (a);

                    s.set ("EXCLUDED_ARCHS", join (excludedArchs));

This replaces:

                    auto excludedArchs = owner.getAllArchs();
                    excludedArchs.removeIf ([&validArchs] (const auto& a) { return validArchs.contains (a); });

                    s.set ("EXCLUDED_ARCHS", join (excludedArchs));
