Request: StandaloneFilterWindow load last file on launch

Could you add this to the end of the StandalonePluginHolder constructor:


void loadLastFile()
if (auto* instance = JUCEApplication::getInstance())
    auto params = instance->getCommandLineParameterArray();
    if (params.size() == 1)
        File f (params[0]);
        if (f.existsAsFile())
            MemoryBlock data;
            if (f.loadFileAsData (data))
                processor->setStateInformation (data.getData(), (int) data.getSize());
        File f (getLastFile());
        if (f.existsAsFile())
            MemoryBlock data;
            if (f.loadFileAsData (data))
                processor->setStateInformation (data.getData(), (int) data.getSize());

We already reload the state of the plug-in during initialisation. The state is loaded from the settings that you pass to the constructor of the StandaloneFilterWindow. Is this not enough?

Ah, I didn’t notice that, but it doesn’t seem to be working. savePluginState() isn’t called from anywhere.

Maybe instead change closeButtonPressed() to:

void closeButtonPressed() override

Ahh yes, well the loadPluginState is a bit useless without that. It’s on develop now with commit 829e644.

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