Slider look and feel

I can’t get all the LookAndFeel methods to run, my LookAndFeel class has those two members, and this look and feel is set as the default look and feel

void drawRotarySlider (Graphics& g, int x, int y, int width, int height, float sliderPos, float rotaryStartAngle, float rotaryEndAngle, Slider& slider);
Label* createSliderTextBox(Slider& slider);
ImageEffectFilter* getSliderEffect ();

the createSliderTextBox and the getSliderEffect methods never get called, but the drawRotarySlider method gets called and works, is there something “extra” to make them work ?

actualy they get called, when i explicitly set the lookandfeel to the component that is using some sliders, however the default look and feel behaves as described above.

Sounds to me like you might have accidentally set another lookandfeel somewhere (e.g. for a top-level window) that’s being picked up instead of the default one.

Well you might be right there is a lot going on in terms of components parents and other. But i’ll live with explicitly setting my look and feel to the component.

I have one question though, i’d like to draw a tabbed button bar like on the MAC, but i can’t figure out how to determine the last tabbed button, i can find the first one (tabIndex==0) but how do i find the last one ? only method of the lookandfeel set gets the actual tabbedbuttonbar and that is drawTabAreaBehindFrontButton. Is there a way to find this in other methods ?

You could use the Button::setConnectedEdges stuff to do that, perhaps?

i know how to draw it i just don’t know when in terms of the LookAndFeel methods, i now when to set the left edges for the 1st button but when do i set the right edges for the last one ? (how).

Ah, I see… Hmm, good question… I guess you could call getTabButton (getNumTabs() - 1) and see if that’s the button in question.

in witch method of the lookAndFeel class ? the only one that gets a TabbedButtonBar reference is the drawTabAreaBehindFrontButton

Drat. Yes, it really does need to provide a reference to the bar object.

Ok, I can’t see any way to do it other than to change that method to include the bar. I guess I’ll need to do that…

ah no, hang on… You can just do this:

TabbedButtonBar* bar = button.findParentComponentOfClass ((TabbedButtonBar*) 0);

…I’d rather avoid messing with the method signatures if possible, it’d break a lot of code.

yeah i’m with you on the “let’s not change those methods” thing.