Stack based array

What do people do when they want to pass around little arrays on the audio thread when the arrays don’t have a fixed size? Something like this?

template<class T>
class MiniStackArray
    MiniStackArray(const std::initializer_list<T>& itemsToHold)
        jassert(itemsToHold.size() < max_size);
        auto limit{ std::min(itemsToHold.size(), max_size) };
        auto iter{ itemsToHold.begin() };
        for (auto i = 0; i < limit; i++)
            items[i] = *iter++;

    // Never have to implement iterators??
    constexpr auto getSpan() { return std::span{ items, size }; }
    constexpr static size_t max_size{ 10 };
    T items[max_size] {};
    int size{};

I haven’t tested it… Is there a standard solution out there already?

Just answering my own question in case anyone searches the forum for the same thing:

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There’s also std::array which has a compile time size.

Yeah, I saw an implementation where the β€˜smallVector’ was indexing into a std::array actually.