TableListCompoment Column only displays cell when clicked

Hello, I have a table that only displays the painted cell when the column header is clicked. How do I automatically set the column to display the painted cells? Currently the number of rows in the column is empty until the user selects and opens a file, the file name is then passed into drawText and painted in the cell. Thank you

void PlaylistComponent::buttonClicked(Button* button)
   //JUCE string, to standard string, to integer
   // int id = std::stoi(button->getComponentID().toStdString());

    //if add to library button is clicked, do...
    if (button == &playlistLoadButton)
        //taken from deckGUI, dr matthew's code version
        auto fileChooserFlags = FileBrowserComponent::canSelectMultipleItems;
        fChooser.launchAsync(fileChooserFlags, [this](const FileChooser& chooser)
                //store the chosen tracks into tracks array
                tracks = chooser.getResults();
                //loop thru the array to add the tracks to the table
                for (int i = 0; i < tracks.size(); ++i)
                    //URL takes file parameter, tracks array is of type file
                    //then store filename as string with method into juce string
                    trackName = URL{ tracks[i] }.getFileName();
                    //now push to string array list

void PlaylistComponent::paintCell(Graphics& g, int rowNumber, int columnId, int width, int height, bool rowIsSelected)
    //draw text of files loaded into the array, see buttonClicked for ref
    if (columnId == 1)
        g.drawText(trackNameList[rowNumber], 5, 0, width-1, height, Justification::centredLeft, true);
    g.fillRect(width - 1, 0, 1, height);
    if (columnId == 2)
        g.drawText("0:00", 5, 0, width, height, Justification::centredLeft, true);

Maybe you’re missing a call to updateContent after the number of rows in the table changes.

thank you, that worked! didnt realise there is was a specific method to call to update table changes!