Tooltip font

Hi Jules,

I don’t understand why the tooltip show up with a non-bold font while , in lookandfeel.cpp the textlayout is built with:

[code]TextLayout layoutTooltipText (const String& text) noexcept
const float tooltipFontSize = 13.0f;
const int maxToolTipWidth = 400;

    AttributedString s;
    s.setJustification (Justification::centred);
    s.append (text, Font (tooltipFontSize, Font::bold));

    TextLayout tl;
    tl.createLayoutWithBalancedLineLengths (s, (float) maxToolTipWidth);
    return tl;

Shouldn’t they appear as bold text ?

Yes… and they do for me, in OSX. Is this linux or something? Could just be failing to find a bold font…

sorry, i forgot to mention it , it is windows 7 x64, using latest tip. I just checked on macos and the tooltip are fine there, so this is windows specific.

Must be failing to find a bold font then. Will investigate when I get chance.

Looks like there were bugs in the code I originally wrote.

Jules you need to add:

if ((attr.getFont()->getStyleFlags() & Font::bold) == Font::bold) textLayout->SetFontWeight(DWRITE_FONT_WEIGHT_BOLD, range);
if ((attr.getFont()->getStyleFlags() & Font::italic) == Font::italic) textLayout->SetFontStyle(DWRITE_FONT_STYLE_ITALIC, range);

to addAttributedRange() in DirectWriteTypeLayout.cpp.

Full code for new addAttributedRange():

    void addAttributedRange (const AttributedString::Attribute& attr, IDWriteTextLayout* textLayout,
                             const int textLen, ID2D1DCRenderTarget* const renderTarget, IDWriteFontCollection* const fontCollection)
        DWRITE_TEXT_RANGE range;
        range.startPosition = attr.range.getStart();
        range.length = jmin (attr.range.getLength(), textLen - attr.range.getStart());

        if (attr.getFont() != nullptr)
            textLayout->SetFontFamilyName (attr.getFont()->getTypefaceName().toWideCharPointer(), range);
            if ((attr.getFont()->getStyleFlags() & Font::bold) == Font::bold) textLayout->SetFontWeight(DWRITE_FONT_WEIGHT_BOLD, range);
            if ((attr.getFont()->getStyleFlags() & Font::italic) == Font::italic) textLayout->SetFontStyle(DWRITE_FONT_STYLE_ITALIC, range);

            const float fontHeightToEmSizeFactor = getFontHeightToEmSizeFactor (*attr.getFont(), *fontCollection);
            textLayout->SetFontSize (attr.getFont()->getHeight() * fontHeightToEmSizeFactor, range);

        if (attr.getColour() != nullptr)
            ComSmartPtr<ID2D1SolidColorBrush> d2dBrush;
            renderTarget->CreateSolidColorBrush (D2D1::ColorF (D2D1::ColorF (attr.getColour()->getFloatRed(),

            // We need to call SetDrawingEffect with a legimate brush to get DirectWrite to break text based on colours
            textLayout->SetDrawingEffect (d2dBrush, range);

You also need to change two lines in getFontName() in DirectWriteTypeLayout.cpp.

Old lines:

if (dwFont->GetWeight() == DWRITE_FONT_WEIGHT_BOLD) styleFlags &= Font::bold;
if (dwFont->GetStyle() == DWRITE_FONT_STYLE_ITALIC) styleFlags &= Font::italic;

New lines:

if (dwFont->GetWeight() == DWRITE_FONT_WEIGHT_BOLD) styleFlags |= Font::bold;
if (dwFont->GetStyle() == DWRITE_FONT_STYLE_ITALIC) styleFlags |= Font::italic;

Full code for new getFontName():

        String getFontName (DWRITE_GLYPH_RUN const* glyphRun, int& styleFlags) const
            ComSmartPtr<IDWriteFont> dwFont;

            HRESULT hr = fontCollection->GetFontFromFontFace (glyphRun->fontFace, dwFont.resetAndGetPointerAddress());
            jassert (dwFont != nullptr);

            if (dwFont->GetWeight() == DWRITE_FONT_WEIGHT_BOLD) styleFlags |= Font::bold;
            if (dwFont->GetStyle() == DWRITE_FONT_STYLE_ITALIC) styleFlags |= Font::italic;

            ComSmartPtr<IDWriteFontFamily> dwFontFamily;
            hr = dwFont->GetFontFamily (dwFontFamily.resetAndGetPointerAddress());
            jassert (dwFontFamily != nullptr);

            // Get the Font Family Names
            ComSmartPtr<IDWriteLocalizedStrings> dwFamilyNames;
            hr = dwFontFamily->GetFamilyNames (dwFamilyNames.resetAndGetPointerAddress());
            jassert (dwFamilyNames != nullptr);

            UINT32 index = 0;
            BOOL exists = false;
            hr = dwFamilyNames->FindLocaleName (L"en-us", &index, &exists);
            if (! exists)
                index = 0;

            UINT32 length = 0;
            hr = dwFamilyNames->GetStringLength (index, &length);

            HeapBlock <wchar_t> name (length + 1);
            hr = dwFamilyNames->GetString (index, name, length + 1);

            return String (name);

Nice one, thanks! (Whoops about the &= mix-up!)